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Bond Hearing Attorney in San Diego

Call The Law Office of George Gedulin at 858-943-6591

Bond hearings are often the first legal proceedings your attorney will help you through after you have been arrested for a crime. Getting booked in the county jail can be scary if you have never been arrested before. You may spend several hours or days feeling very uncomfortable and not sure who you can talk to or what you should say.

In the hours after you have been charged with a crime, try to contact a San Diego bond hearing attorney at The Law Office of George Gedulin. You have a right to an attorney at any point in a police investigation and after you have been incarcerated. While anyone can bail you out of jail for a certain price set by the courts, your attorney can play an important role during your bond hearing.

What Is Bail and Bond?

A bail is the monetary amount a defendant must pay to leave the jail until subsequent hearings. The bail amount is essentially a security deposit to the court that says that you will appear at all mandatory court hearings. At the end of a case, the bail money will be returned to the defendant if he or she appeared at all hearings.

Bail amounts can be very expensive depending on the crime a defendant has been charged with. When bail is too high for a defendant to pay out of pocket, he or she will typically use a bond to pay the bail amount. For a certain percentage of the bail total, a bondsman will put up the rest of the money, allowing you to leave jail until your case has concluded. The bondsman will typically keep the amount you provide as a percentage of the bail total.

Although many individuals go directly to bondsmen or family members for bail, a San Diego bond hearing attorney may offer the best way to handle putting up bail. During a bond hearing, your attorney can make a case to have the bail amount reduced or completely eliminated.

What Is A Bond Hearing?

The bond hearing usually takes place within 24 hours of the time of arrest. In a bond hearing, you may ask the judge to release you on your own recognizance, meaning you will not have to pay bail at all. Unless the court has reason to believe you are a danger to the community, that you might flee, or that you may otherwise miss your court appearances, you may save thousands of dollars by asking for an O.R. release.

The gravity of the offense, criminal history, and public safety considerations are just a few of the factors a judge will examine before agreeing to reduce or eliminate a bail amount. For serious accusations including violent crimes and felonies, a judge may not be able to reduce or eliminate bail amounts unless there are other influencing factors.

Get Representation for Your Bond Hearing in CA

While you can argue for bail to be reduced or dropped on your own, the prosecution may look for ways to prove to the court that bail should actually be increased or that you should not be released on bond at all. Having a skilled San Diego bond hearing lawyer by your side can help you present the information needed to get you out of the system so you can focus on building a defense for your case.

At The Law Office of George Gedulin, our San Diego bond hearing attorneys start working for our clients immediately. Whether you are being investigated for a crime or have just been charged, we can help you understand and prepare for the next steps in your case. A large part of facing a trial involves getting through multiple court appearances. We can help you face those proceedings with confidence so we can focus on a strategy for getting the charges dismissed, earning an acquittal, or reducing the charges.

Reach out to our bond hearing lawyers in San Diego today for more information about our services. Call us at 858-943-6591.